24 July 2024
On July 24, 2024, Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr met with stakeholders from the Kroobay Community and the contractor to review ongoing construction progress of the Kroobay Municipal Primary School construction, a project supported by FCC, funded by Sustain for Life and implemented by Sierra Leone Autistic Society. Mayor Aki-Sawyerr was joined by Councillors Amadu Kargbo- Chairman, Education and Skills Development Committee, Zainab Conteh, Tutu Bailor and, members of FCC’s Education Committee.
The two-story school building, scheduled for completion before September, will have a library, computer room, staff room, toilets and a kitchen. The construction of the school aligns with FCC’s Transform Freetown- Transforming Lives 2024-2028 Development Plan, Human Capital Development cluster, geared towards strengthening early childhood development, basic education and skills development.
The building structure has been erected, with internal plastering in progress. FCC is also actively collaborating with key stakeholders, including the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, to secure the school’s approval.
Human CapitalDevelopment