Yesterday, the Deputy Mayor of the Freetown City Council, together with other senior officials, paid a a follow-up visit to the site of a fire incident that happened at Kroo Bay in the early hours of Monday morning.
During the visit, the Deputy Mayor, Osman Thollo Koroma, facilitated the planning of a sustainable course of action that effectively responds to the plight of the victims. Together with the Member of Parliament of the constituency, the Councillor of the Ward, the head of the Disaster Response Unit of the Office of National Security, the Community Disaster Management Committee and some NGOs, it was decided that there would be a joint verification of residents whose homes were directly and indirectly affected by the accident and that the priority would be to get the victims shelter as soon as possible.
The Freetown City Council is collaborating with NGO partners, CRS and Welthungerhilfe, who have graciously agreed to provide emergency shelter kits, which would include mattresses, blankets and corrugated iron sheets for rebuilding homes.
Over the next few days, the City Engineer and members of the Estate team will oversee redevelopment of the affected area and ensure that ample space is left around homes to mitigate the impact of fire disasters.