[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_accordion color=”sky” spacing=”5″ gap=”3″ active_section=”0″ collapsible_all=”true”][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-file-text” add_icon=”true” title=”Disposing of your waste” tab_id=”1532248788144-6d9d7db8-9b89″][vc_column_text]
All Freetonians have a role to play in the transformation of our city
All Freetonians over the age of 18 are required to pay an annual local tax of Le 5,000. This contributes to funding of a range of public services that will drive Freetown’s transformation – including waste management, flood mitigation and education.
Local tax can be paid through a number of means:
- Deduction at-source from staff salaries by employment
- Payment to community organisations (e.g. Traders’ Union) with receipt books
- Payment to the bank, with the receipt brought to Freetown City Council
If you would like to make any enquiry about local tax, please visit us at the council or contact us on +232 76 404 979[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-file-text” add_icon=”true” title=”Household waste” tab_id=”1532249156483-1bde9ee2-39a8″][vc_column_text]
All Freetonians have a role to play in the transformation of our city
All Freetonians must make sure that their household complies with the following rules:
- Every household MUST have a waste containment facility
- All waste generated MUST be cleared and deposited into the containment facility
- All household MUST make arrangement with a waste collection contractor (Push Cart/Tricycle or alternative waste collection contractor) for the collection of their waste from the containment facility on a daily basis
- All containment facilities MUST be kept clean after every collection exercise
- Every household MUST have a standard toilet facility with a septic tank to be used by all occupants
- Every household MUST ensure the desludging of their septic tank immediately when they are full. For desludging, contact the FCC FSM Hotline on 030008713 OR 079063044.
Dumping waste or causing a nuisance is a criminal offence which will be punished by a fine of Le 500,000 or 6 months imprisonment.
If you see someone illegally dumping waste, please report them to the FCC Sanitation Department at 17 Wallace Johnson Street, Freetown, or the Metropolitan Police on 077632783 or 030008713 or 079063044
If you are looking for what to do with your household faecal waste, please go https://www.wsup.com/approach/wsup-advisory/projects/faecal-sludge-management-in-freetown/.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-file-text” add_icon=”true” title=”Commercial waste” tab_id=”1533557181014-ec1631e8-501a”][vc_column_text]
All Freetonians have a role to play in the transformation of our city
All businesses in Freetown must make sure that their business complies with the following rules:
- All business premises MUST have a waste containment facility
- All waste generated MUST be cleared and deposited into the containment facility
- All business premises MUST make an arrangement with a waste collection contractor (whether Push Cart/Tricycle or other waste collection contractor) for the collection of their waste from the containment facility on a daily basis
- All containment facilities MUST be kept clean after every collection exercise
- All business premises MUST have a standard toilet facility with a septic tank to be used by both staff and customers
- Business premises MUST ensure the desludging of their septic tank immediately it is full. For desludging, contact the FCC FSM Hotline on 030008713 OR 079063044.
Dumping waste or causing a nuisance is a criminal offence which will be punished by a fine of Le 500,000 or 6 months imprisonment.
If you see someone illegally dumping waste, please report them to the FCC Sanitation Department at 17 Wallace Johnson Street or to the Metropolitan Police on 077632783 or 030008713 or 079063044
If you are looking for what to do with your household faecal waste, please go here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-file-text” add_icon=”true” title=”Public Streets” tab_id=”1533557363019-db12cbf9-3a13″][vc_column_text]
All Freetonians have a role to play in the transformation of our city
- Street traders must be provided with trash cans
- FCC should ensure that they provide trash cans that should be emptied on a daily bases to avoid accumulation of waste.
- Street trader should ensure that waste generated by them MUST be emptied into the trash can provided within the nearest site.
- Pedestrians MUST not litter the streets of Freetown with their waste generated from Water Plastic’s and more
- Street traders should make use of public toilet facilities and pay the required user fee
Dumping waste or causing a nuisance is a criminal offence which will be punished by a fine of Le 500,000 or 6 months imprisonment.
If you see someone illegally dumping waste, please report them to the FCC Sanitation Department at 17 Wallace Johnson Street Freetown or to the Metropolitan Police on 077632783 or 030008713 or 079063044[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-file-text” add_icon=”true” title=”Markets” tab_id=”1533557528944-cb3156e7-af42″][vc_column_text]
All Freetonians have a role to play in the transformation of our city
- Market Traders must be provided with trash cans
- FCC should ensure that the provided trash cans should be empty on a daily bases to avoid accumulation of waste.
- Market Traders MUST ensure that their stall are kept clean every market day
- Market Trader should ensure that waste generated by them MUST be emptied into the trash can provided within the nearest site.
- Market traders should make use of public toilet facilities and pay the required user fee
Dumping waste or causing a nuisance is a criminal offence which will be punished by a fine of Le 500,000 or 6 months imprisonment.
If you see someone illegally dumping waste, please report them to the FCC Sanitation Department at 17 Wallace Johnson Street or to the Metropolitan Police on 077632783 or 030008713 or 079063044[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-file-text” add_icon=”true” title=”Faecal waste” tab_id=”1533557776937-4b402c29-ccaf”][vc_column_text]
All Freetonians have a role to play in the transformation of our city
Whether you are a household or a business entity, you must ensure that you dispose of your faecal sludge responsibly and keep your septic tank in good repair.
To empty your septic tank you can call the FCC FSM Hotline 030008713 OR 079063044.
Dumping waste or causing a nuisance (including by allowing your septic tank to overflow) is a criminal offence which will be punished by a fine of Le 500,000 or 6 months imprisonment.
If you see/have an overflowing or broken septic tank, or need help or advice yourself, please call the FCC’s FSM Hotline Number on 030008713 OR 079063044[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-file-text” add_icon=”true” title=”Hazardous waste” tab_id=”1533557838009-f58fa302-ac8a”][vc_column_text]
All Freetonians have a role to play in the transformation of our city
Hazardous waste refers to waste from hospitals. All hospitals MUST incinerate all hazardous waste using the incinerator provided by Government.
If the incinerator in your hospital is not working, please contact Dr Ansumana Sillah, the Director Environmental Health and Sanitation Department, MOHS on 078484146 OR 099202757.
Dumping waste or causing a nuisance (which includes dumping hazardous waste) is a criminal offence which will be punished by a fine of Le 500,000 or 6 months imprisonment.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]