The criteria which the Cleanest Zone Competition are marked against have been split into three categories, Cleanliness, Beautification and Sustainability and innovative solutions, as seen below. The total mark in each category will be weighted by the indicated percentage, and summed together for the final score.
Cleanliness (50%)
Criteria (each marked out of 10):
Streets, public areas and sidewalks free of rubbish and clean
Gutters/drains cleared of silt
Gutters/drains free of solid waste
Riversides and beaches where applicable free of rubbish and clean
Beautification (20%)
Criteria (each marked out of 10):
Flowers and/or carpet grass
Vegetation, trees and/or green space
Other beautification (street art, painted or smart buildings, etc)
Sustainability and innovative solutions (30%)
Criteria (each marked out of 10):
Implementation of system for regular cleaning
Arrangements with community businesses (youth groups/OCF/others) to ensure its solid waste is properly disposed of
Solid waste separated at source by community
Arrangements with community businesses (vacuum truck operators/ manual pit emptiers) to ensure proper disposal of liquid waste
Adoption of innovative/creative solutions